Davis High School
Class Of 1991
Updates to Clay's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Clay Anderton
Profile Updated: January 13, 2011

Currently Residing In: | Boca Raton, FL USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Mia Anderton |
Occupation: | Medical Device Business Development with Medtronic |
Any children? When were they born? | Cole born 2003, Luke born 2006, Jackson born 2008 |
Yes! Attending Reunion
Where else have you lived?
Durham, NC
Minneapolis, MN
Miami, FL
What did you do right after high school?
Went to Utah State, then mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Have you met any famous or interesting people?
Jerry Springer
Travel Much? What's the farthest you've been from home (Kaysville)? And, where is your favorite place to go? Give us your best travel tip.
South Africa, Europe, Thailand, Brazil. Koh Phi Phi Thailand is still one my favorites, Capetown is great, too. I travel extensively to Latin America for work.
Besides work and family, what occupies your time? What do you enjoy doing?
Skiing whenever possible, going to the beach.
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